Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Blue Waves

Blue Waves

These were made for a water themed party. I never done this design with two colors before and was pleasantly surprised how they came out.

I Hate Babies

Red VS Blue Cupcakes

Red Vs Blue Cupcakes

It's no secret I'm a huge Red VS Blue fan. Every once in a blue moon, I'll throw a RVB marathon at my place. I made these for the very first one. The writing is a bit sloppy but I don't care since these were just for my friends and me! I'm currently trying to think of what I should bake for the next marathon...

Space Shark

Space Shark

I read a comic not to long ago about a Space Shark and I just had to paint one for myself.

Check out the original comic at: Extra Ordinary Comics

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Yo Gabba Gabba Cupcakes

My only regret is not taking a better picture since these were just for practice. These cupcakes cost a bit more than the customer liked so she never put in the order. I'm still extremely happy how they came out though.

Flower Cupcakes

Flower Cupcakes

Simple but pretty. Great for a spring birthday party!!

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Diamond Cupcakes

I don't think diamonds translate well into cupcakes. Regardless, I did my best with them. I think I should have been a little more careful with the edible glitter...

Pinata Cupcakes

Pinata Cupcakes

This was one of those orders that when I first heard it my thoughts were, "The costumer is freaking out of their mind!" I take that back. It was really fun to make and really simple. The customer was dead set on having Pinata cupcakes for her Cinco De Mayo party. I wasn't sure how I was going to do this and there wasn't anything I could use as a reference. I'm still in shock that my first try worked out perfectly. I might try to improve on them later, but for now, I simply adore them!

Turtle Cupcakes

Turtle Cupcakes

My first attempt at floating turtle cupcakes. The only difficult part was the heads. I had no idea how I should make them. I was pleased with the result but I want to try something different next time I make them.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Scrabble Cupcake

Scrabble Cupcake

This was just a mock up for a customer. The price we gave her was too much so the order never went through. If I had made this to sell, I would have just changed the white background to a light blue or green. Anything just to make the scrabble piece stand out more. The frosting is buttercream and the cupcake is white chocolate.

Pool Ball Cupcakes

Pool Cupcakes

I was really proud of these cupcakes. I've seen them done with buttercream before but I never liked the way they looked. Since I don't work with fondant often, I had to try my best to make sure they looked neat and clean. I was completely happy with the results!

Pig Cupcake

Pig Cupcake

A cute little pig cupcake. I think I made this one a little too bright but it's still one of my favorites.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mardi Gras Cupcakes

Mardi Gras Cupcakes

I will never do a three-toned frosting design ever again. On a small scale, it's easy. On a large scale it can be considered Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Crazy Colorful Cupcakes

This is what happens when I have extra vanilla batter, spare time, and a random need to make something super colorful
Crazy Colorful Cupcakes

Crazy Colorful Cupcakes

Crazy Colorful Cupcakes Crazy Colorful Cupcakes

Taste The Rainbow.